Monday, June 17, 2013

Post Father's Day Letter

Wow, this week flew by so fast!  It's already a new transfer. My companions’ names are Elder Bishop and Elder Ryan. Elder Ryan is waiting for his visa and the president said if he gets his visa during the transfer he'll have to wait until the end of this transfer to go to Brazil, so we have at least another 6 weeks with him which is so fun! This is Elder Bishop’s last transfer so he has 6 weeks left of his mission. That’s so exciting for Keith! I'm so happy for him. Is it all right if you can give me his email? I would love to talk to him! My testimony was on how the Gospel has brought me happiness, which it has so much! I just put a grin on my face whenever I think about it. I haven't heard from Elder Curran for a while. It’s crazy to think Elder Eve is already coming home. That’s awesome. When does Elder Nelson come home? Didn't they go out around the same time? I love the poem grandpa made, its great. 

About my week, we have a new investigator with a baptismal date for July 27th. I think I told you a little about her. She's from Haiti and speaks French. Gave her a French and English Book of Mormon. Her kids don’t like us. I think her kids are in their late 20's to mid early 30's, but she told them if you don't unlock the gate and open the door for the elders when they come you can go find somewhere else to live. She loves to tell her life stories to us and how someone told her in a dream you have to be baptized to be complete or something like that. It’s really exciting to talk with her. She's great. She came to church a few weeks ago with us, and hasn't been to her old church since.

Sadly, Calvin dropped us, the one who had a baptism date around the same time I believe. It's an interesting story. He lives in our zone leaders’ apartment building, but they aren't allowed to teach him because they are Spanish speaking elders and so we go over to teach him. He really really loves us. Hugs us a lot and see's how we’re his friends and trying to help him. But he thinks switching from Catholic to Mormon that God will punish him. This week he had his car smashed into and destroyed, he believes it’s his son which has paranoia scitzafrania, or however you spell it [schizophrenia]. Also this week he read from the Book of Mormon for about 2 hours and was in real need of money and that same day he received 50 dollars from people and about 20 dollars from a scratch off lottery ticket. So he believes that reading the Book of Mormon will help him. But ever since his car was destroyed, he doesn't want to meet with us anymore.

Also, Teaetta, another person with a baptism date, is going through a hard time. She had to put a restraining order on her husband because he was being abusive to her children. He tried to stop drinking but relapsed and went worse. She's amazing. He even stole over 600 dollars from her. She's just trying to find ways to help her children and get diapers for them. She loves it when we sing hymns, which we've started to do for her before and after the lessons. I wish I could sing better, but if she can tolerate it I guess that’s ok.

A new sister moved in to our ward and she is perfect for her! She came with toys and games for the kids and was offering her rides to church and was a true fellowshipper. She came up to us at church and said she was going to stop by and talk with her. I love it when members are like that! When they truly love the investigators and go out of their way to help them without being asked by the missionaries. Motivates me to be an awesome member missionary after my mission.

One great moment I had happened yesterday night. We were having companionship study, and it was my turn to lead it. I prepared a little something, but I knew it really wouldn't turn out that great if I did what a prepared. I started out and was reading a sentence out of a paragraph and a thought came to my mind about asking a question after the sentence. So, it ended up being a good question and it got everyone talking and into a discussion. So I continued and started to ask a lot more questions and everyone opened up and it was a great study. I know I was guided by the spirit as I kept a prayer in my heart and listened to the promptings of the spirit. My companions, at the end, also noticed how it was one of the best discussions they've had. I was so happy, I know that as we prepare and try our best the Lord will make up for the rest!

I love talking to the family I’m so glad that everyone is having a good time. 


Elder Ranquist

Oh and one other thing. I am completely out of journal pages. I forgot to ask you for one last week but I was wondering if I could get one. It's nice to have a journal, especially when you’re out here and have tons of funny experiences every day :) 

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