Monday, July 29, 2013


Dear family,  

To explain a little about the references in our dear elder's letter, you might need to know a couple of things I wrote in my letter.  I told Elder Ranquist about the Homecoming of Elder Eve which was so beautiful.  I also let him know about the bridal shower I went to for Hannah White.  She's getting married August 2nd in the Louisville Temple so we are going to miss the reception.  (Hannah said she was so touched that when she made the appointment for her wedding, dad was the one who answered and got it all set up for her).  The Young Women sent off a goodie box to Jonathan and I asked him if he had sent a thank you note.  I told him about how Sister Hill stopped me in the temple on Wednesday to tell me how she loved the thank you note she got from Drake and Emily.  She said that she is saving it to show her kids what to do when they get married (so great job Emily!).  And to the final reference of washy washy, happy happy.  When Dad, Jonathan and I went on the cruise during spring break (three weeks before the BP oil spill) there was this great big Jamaican guy who made sure that everyone used hand sanitizer before going in to the eating area by saying that phrase.  His smile was enormous and his personality was even bigger.  We loved him and will never forget him!

So, now you understand it all.  

Love you all so much!!!


Jonathan's Letter

I always love hearing what is going on. It's so nice to see you are doing well! Transfer calls were Saturday. I'm staying in the same area with Elder Ryan. Elder Bishop flies home on Wednesday so it will just be down to the two of us. It’s weird to think that I am in the top 50% of missionaries who've been out the longest in our mission. I know I've been extremely blessed that I've had a trainer that had been out for a long time and was focused and how my second companion has been out a long time and I have been able to learn from him as well. I notice a lot of new missionaries coming out won't have that chance to be trained by missionaries with so much experience as I was able to.

We had interviews with the mission president this week and he told me that if you aren't training this transfer you can pretty much count on it next transfer. Because, although we are getting more missionaries this transfer, less are leaving, but next transfer a lot more are leaving so we’re going to need more people replacing them.

Anyway, I was given the opportunity this week to give the lesson for Sunday school. I gave it on lesson 27 Work and Personal Responsibility. As I was preparing for this, I thought a lot about how I have been blessed by being able to work so much before my mission. Whether it’s chores or a paid job I've always had work to do. I think the lesson went well. I had an activity in the beginning which got everyone focused and a lot of people participated who usually don't during the class so I was satisfied with it. Glad its over though :).

I had been thinking about writing a thank you card back and I think I will, but the only time we are able to write letters to anyone is on pdays and our pdays are full of things to do (especially today because Elder Bishop has to pack and ship off all of his stuff to send home. And Elder Ryan and I are moving into a new apartment. It’s weird we’re moving into a new apartment which is further away from our area, but still have the same area. It’s because some Spanish elders are moving into our apartment and they have to be closer to their area because they are on bike. In a way I'm glad I'm not on bike but I do enjoy having a car (and this transfer I'll be the driver instead of Elder Bishop so that makes me happy as well :).

It’s so weird Hannah is getting married.. I don't know what to think about that. Anyway I don't have to worry about that for a long time =)

Hope you have a appended time on your trip!

Remember washy washy, happy happy!

Elder Ranquist

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