So this week flew by. We had MLC (which is Mission Leadership Council) Where all of the Zone Leaders and Sister Training leaders and assistants to the President get together at the beginning of the month and discuss the mission and brainstorm ways to improve and help the missionaries. But this MLC district leaders were invited to attend, so I felt like I was back where I used to be when I was a zone leader! It was fun. MLC is such a great experience. I always feel the spirit when I go there. My companions doing well, we went to berkeley this morning for a doctors appointment for his elbow and I loved it! (Not the traffic getting there but going back to my first area with elder ammon doney. Its crazy that Ammon in now married! blows my mind. We had to teach seminary wednesday, and now we have to teach it again this thursday.... yay.... -.- But oh well I love the seminary teacher she's awesome!
Do we know when President Chadwick will be able to set me apart? Will it be that night when I get back? It sounds like its pretty difficult to schedule a time for me to give a home coming talk.. maybe a smart decision to save you some trouble would be to not worry about it :D Well I know you won't accept that but, as long as I don't get up and speak with Elder Christofferson then thats ok with me. Maybe he will just talk to the missionaries when he's here and I will poke my head in and quietly listen in I would love that, hehe. Nothing else is exciting right now... I'm learning quiet a bit of tonga right now :) I'm getting the hang of it. Maybe when my companion goes home in a year and a half I can visit tonga and speak it fluently. We are going back to oakland next friday to go back to the doctors office for ElderVeamatahau and I think then I will go to the mission office and brake down my bike and send it home in a box. I decided i'm not going to send any of my boxes home yet with my stuff in it because I am still using some of the books that I want to put in the box so I will wait until the last pday to send it home.
Anyway have a great week!
Elder Ranquist

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