Thursday, March 14, 2013

Being Sent Home Early

Yes. That’s right, I'm being sent home from my mission early. I will not be serving a full 2 year mission. I regret to say that I will be returning home in one week less then my original departure. Ok, now that I have scared you and had enough fun I will tell you the truth. Everyone in the mission field right now is going home one week early. My transfer right now is only five weeks instead of six because everyone in the MTC is only spending two weeks there instead of three so transfers have to be shortened for there to be trainers to train them.

Also some amazing news is that we are now able to email home to friends! I can email people like Sean Ryan and people in the ward and my other missionary friends out here. That’s exciting to me. My companion is sad that he hasn’t had this able to him for his whole mission but I’m happy. This week has been hard. I have not met with a single investigator since I’ve been out here. I have not been able to extend the baptismal question to anyone which is a goal you were supposed to have within the first week. I have gotten a lot better at contacting people/tracting. I’m not perfect or great at it but definitely improved.

This week me and Elder Doney have been focusing on Family History work to contact people and a lot of people we’ve talked to have been interested and its great since we have a family history center right underneath our Visitor Center. I’ve been reading the red binder of our family history stories like Grandpa’s story and things like that during lunch or free time just so I could have an idea of some things to talk about. We've started to pray for service opportunities we can do last Monday and everyday except for I think Tuesday we’ve been able to serve people its amazing.

I've started carrying around a little booklet to right quotes and things I like down  to remember them, kind of like the missionary did in “The Best Two Years.” I'll share a few I put in there already. "We shouldn't wait to be happy until we reach some future point, only to discover that happiness was already available-all the time!" -Dieter F. Uchtdorf If you want to find in life those things that bring good results in your life, see what’s brought good results in the lives of those around you. -Grandpa Ranquist "Don't let your life be simply an existence that is fun or selfish. Life is more than an amusement park. Do not be hooked on obtaining possessions. Accept responsibility" -Ensign. Those are a few quotes that stuck out to me this week. I read this months Ensign and loved it. I especially enjoyed the article on Growing Resilient Children. I was amazed at how much stuff applied to me right now on my mission. I have about half of the article underlined. 
    I have gained a lot of weight. When I left home I was 145. When I left the MTC I was 147. Now I’m 159. Admittedly, I was wearing shoes, tie, belt, planner, and other things which must have weighed me down quite a bit. But really I have never eaten: so much, so good, and so often. Since I’m in this bike area I have been eating up plates and whenever I do I always think of how you don’t like the missionaries finishing off the food so you could have left overs. Honestly I have not fattened at all. I don’t think my belly has gotten any rounder. For one this I’m sure my legs and bottom have grown a sizable amount. Elder Doney is very specific on how he always wants health foods. We only get non high fructose corn syrup stuff like bread.

It’s amazing how hard you and dad are working. That’s amazing. I remember when dad worked a few extra shifts and he was drained the next day. I can’t imagine how it is now. And grandma, wow. I thought last year was supposed to be our busy year with 2 marriages and a mission. It seems like you guys aren’t going to get any rest. Keep it up, I don’t know what to say. It reminds me of the scripture D&C 89 18-21. I know it talks about the word of wisdom but I think it kind of applies. Also I was reading that Joel H. Johnson was there when Prophet Joseph Smith declared the Word of Wisdom. I thought that was amazing. Well, I have to get going here. I want to let you know I love you and the family and hope the best. Stay Strong!
       Elder Ranquist

That little trickster. He had me! I had to read the email during my student teaching...which I'm not really supposed to do. Sounds like he's doing well though! 

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