Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3, 2013

We got pictures! About half are from the MTC and half from Oakland. That's about all I know...

Ok, for some reason the slideshow is only showing about a third of the pictures. If you would like to see them all, follow this link  :)

Sorry I have not been writing every much but I don't have a lot to talk about and I always write you first so it's not like I'm running out of time. I guess I should start bringing my journal or something to help me remember stuff that went on throughout the week. I'm so excited for Kieth though that's so fun. Can't Waite for his mission call.
 We barely do any tracting because it isn't a good way to find anyone. what we do is something called open your mouths or OYM,s which is street contacting. But a fun thing that happened is we had a lesson with an investigator and they accepted a baptism date for July 13th so that's exciting. Other then that nothing has changed. I really like how whenever were in a grocery store people come up to us and think were managers there. It was also funny how we parked outside a persons house and the kids were saying theres security guards outside.
We just had zone conference last week or 2 weeks ago, it was good they were talking about how to use the planners better and area books. It was nice to see my trainer there again and see how he was doing. Studies are really hard because your just so exhausted in the morning so I keep a water bottle with me. I deffinantly think that I made the right decision to go on a mission before a year of college. The mission has helped me have more effective studies for sure.
Out here in Oakland there is just so much veriety you don't go a day without seeing or hearing something new. I always love hearing mariachi bands playing on the street. I have noticed how I feel like as missionaries we just have a bubble of protection over us. There's been some crazy stuff. But we've been safe. We have a third companion right now waiting to go to Brazil, so that's fun being in a trio. Also the Oakland Temple Pageant has been discontinued so I won't be able to be a part of that.
The work is continuing to progress which is really exciting to see. I was able to bare my testimony this Sunday swell I really like testimony meeting but not the fasting part. I did receive the package and the cord does not work I'm sorry but the pants you sent were the suit pants that I needed so thank you verry much!
Elder Ranquist

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